How Is Sunlight Helpful To Us?

Manasi Patil
2 min readOct 5, 2021


We generally know that sunshine is somehow good for our health. In fact, there are specific scientific reasons to prove this fact. Do you know what happens to our body when we expose it to the sunrays?

Sunlight destroys certain fungi and bacteria that may have settled on our skin. In this regard, it has a strong medicinal value. Another way in which sunshine acts as a protective agent is by further activating the white blood cells, we know that these cells attack disease germs in our body and helps it keep healthy. Thus, sunlight helps us to develop greater resistance to fight diseases.

When sunlight falls on the skin, it causes certain substances to move into the blood and give the muscles a new tone. The muscles become tenser and can thus, work better. In fact, our nervous system gets a kind of ‘charge’ from sunlight and thus we feel stimulated and want to move about.

There is a substance in the skin called ergosterol that is transformed into vitamin D by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. This vitamin is very useful for bones.

These are some of the reasons why exposing ourselves to sunrays is useful. In fact, it’s just like swallowing a teaspoonful of medicine every five minutes. But it is important to remember that this ‘medicine’ is by no means harmless. We must be just as careful about sun-bathing as we would have to be about taking medicine.


Sun-bathing raises the blood pressure harm by excessive exposure to the sun. In fact, everyone should expose himself to sunlight only in phases. For instance, while taking sunbaths the best thing is to begin by exposing one-fifth of the body for about 5 minutes. The next day, expose another one-fifth of the body for an extra five minutes, and so on. In this way, one can get all the benefits of sunlight without running into unnecessary risks.


